by Lesley Graydon | Critical Theory, Feminist Theory, Gender Theory, Identity, Queer Theory, Sexual Theory, Theory
What is Switching… To switch, and the process of engaging in the action of switching, can most broadly be described as dwelling in, and having the intention of, honoring, exploring, and sharing different, switchable aspects of a person: multiple or varied states...
by Lesley Graydon | Identity, Theory
“You need a label. But I’m not a piece of furniture with the price on the back.” (Jeanette Winterson, The Powerbook , 65). A facet at the heart of Jeanette Winterson’s The Powerbook is the freedom that comes when no identity is present, when identity is not...
by Lesley Graydon | Identity, Theory
Judith Butler drew attention to the paradox of foundationalist frames which would fix or constrain “the very ‘subjects’ that it hopes to represent and liberate” in her groundbreaking book Gender Trouble. She asked us to consider that “if identities were no longer...